Reactive vs Proactive

There are 2 general ways to approach events and projects in life: REACTIVE or PROACTIVE.

Being proactive and being reactive are two different approaches that can have a significant impact on our ability to achieve our goals and lead fulfilling lives.

Being proactive means taking initiative and taking control of our lives rather than simply reacting to the events and circumstances around us. It involves being proactive, setting goals, and making things happen rather than simply waiting for things to happen to us. Proactive people are able to identify problems and opportunities and take action to address them, rather than simply reacting to the consequences of those problems or opportunities.

On the other hand, being reactive means responding to events and circumstances as they occur, rather than taking the initiative to shape them. Reactive people tend to be more passive, waiting for things to happen to them rather than taking action to create the outcomes they desire. They may feel overwhelmed by the events of their lives and struggle to take control of their circumstances.

It’s actually normal to have both states – sometimes we are reactive and sometimes we are proactive.

The key is to find the right balance between being proactive and being reactive. Being too proactive can lead to over-extension and burnout, while being too reactive can lead to a lack of control and a feeling of helplessness.

Overall, being proactive is generally more effective in achieving success and happiness. By taking control of our lives and shaping our circumstances rather than simply reacting to them, we are able to create the outcomes we desire and lead more fulfilling lives.

However, it is important to also be open to adapting and reacting to new information and circumstances as they arise, rather than being too rigid in our approach. So, it is important to find a balance between being proactive and being reactive in order to lead a successful and fulfilling life.